Saturday, September 7, 2013

This shit never moves in a straight line, does it?

Sam bounced back ever so infinitesimally.

He was up at 6am, asking for food every 5 minutes. Okay, I exaggerate, he can't ask for food every 5 minutes because much of that time he's eating. He will ask for a snack within 5 minutes of finishing one though. That was today's pattern.

After a short morning nap he went with me and Abby to Target (And I just realized, I forgot to look for a dog-proof trash can. Dammit).

He did not poop or pee his pants once today.

We picked up burgers and fries from Sylvester's (Yes, Sylvester's of Big, Hot, and Juicy fame).

He chose to watch, "Are We There Yet," for movie night. He did not watch the whole movie, but paid attention enough to catch some funny parts and he laughed.

He stayed up until 7pm.

And that is a good day in Cancerland.

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